About Me

Hi, I’m Vicky Kelly

Please see my little intro video below, if that helps you get a sense of who I am. 🙂 

I love what I do. I’ve been coaching individuals, groups and businesses since 2009.  At first I followed the standard path, doing a coaching qualification, learning NLP, NVC, SFBT and lots of other CPD (not to mention my degree which was 50% business studies). Then I found found myself drawn to go deeper, drawing on therapeutic modalities and bringing what I already knew about Non-duality, spirituality and childhood conditioning into how I was working with my clients.

What sets me apart as a coach, is my innate compassionate nature.  I can see the whole person and the layers that come into play when they are out operating in the world.  This allows me to kindly and warmly help them to see previously unnoticed ways that they can help themselves at that deeper inner level, in addition to providing the strategic support and accountability (for both professional and personal things) at the surface level. 

I have been a compassionate soul for some time, and this extends beyond my work into the way that I parent, and into how I interact with the world.  

I care a lot about the environment and fair treatment of people in less privileged parts of the world.  This has a big impact on my consumer behaviour.  I don’t believe in shaming and blaming others for the state of things though.  No one goes out into the world deciding to be damaging to it.  That behaviour comes from a blinkered position, which happens at a lower vibrational place (for want of anything better to call it) and my desire is to help as many people as possible to “raise their vibration” and have a positive impact on their people in their lives and for that to ripple out into humanity.

I am super motivated to be a part of the change we need. From my own buyer behaviour to the emphasis of my business, I want to only have a positive impact on the planet and the people / animals residing on it. As such I am a member of the Organisation of Responsible Businesses and a supporter of green and ethical ventures wherever possible.  Funnily enough, the understanding I share just kind of does that to you.  It helps to bring a completely different perspective to life, so suddenly convenience and consumption aren’t as important as compassion and fair trade. 

Organisation for Responsible Businesses (ORB). Responsible Business Member

All that serious stuff said, just so you know I am pretty laid back, so if you want to do Zoom calls in your pjs, swear for emphasis and be eating your breakfast while we talk, I’m cool with that. I’m tired of fitting molds myself, it’s time to challenge convention and make a real difference!

I’m also keen on yoga, wakeboarding, surfing and snowboarding (badly), house music, the curly girl method (if you have curly hair and don’t know what this is, look it up!), biodegradable glitter, Viking plaits, weird health hacks (check this post for some of mine) and reading really deep stuff. But I don’t like spirulina.

Want to know more about how I can help? Drop me a line or give me a call. A successful coaching relationship depends upon a great rapport, so it’s important to talk. I want to get to know you, see inside your world and we can assess how we’d go from there!